System Diagnostics
Contains health information of the system
What can you do
The System Diagnostics screen contains information on the health of the system. This screen is separated into different sections with details about specific sections of the system. These sections can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the arrow icon beside the title of the section.
The entire diagnostics page can be printed by clicking the Print button. To only print selected sections, collapse the sections you do not want printed. Collapse sections by clicking the arrow on the section heading.
The System Diagnostics page does not automatically update when new information becomes available. To refresh the page with the latest information, click the Refresh icon at the top right of the screen.
Expandable Panels
Some sections of the Diagnostics page can be expanded to view more information. To expand these sections, click on the two diagonal arrows in the top right of the heading. Click the icon again in the expanded panel to collapse.
The System Definition and Search Engine Metrics can be copied to the clipboard. To copy the contents of these sections, click the Copy links at the bottom of each section.
The Lookup Exceptions and Log sections of the Diagnostics can be downloaded to your computer. The Lookup Exceptions can be downloaded as a csv file by clicking the Download link at the bottom of the Licensing section. The Log section can be downloaded as a text file by clicking the download icon in the heading of the Log section.
How did we do?
Manage dropdown fields
Usage Diagnostics