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Input Overview

Input allows Axiom Pro users to add information to incoming documents

Help Guide
Updated by Help Guide

What can you do

The Input screen allows Axiom Pro users to add information to incoming documents for identification, classification, and retrieval.  Incoming documents will remain in Input until an Axiom Pro user completes the data entry process.  Input is required before a document will be available through Search. 

You will need Input - Data Entry or Input - Quality Assurance (QA) for the respective catalog permission to perform this operation.
Documents may bypass Input if the associated catalog is configured for auto data-entry, and if the files meet the format requirements. 

Batch List

When you are in the input queue, Axiom display the list of batches are ready to be data entered. This is called as Batch List. You will only see the batches that you have the permission to view.

To View batch list, simply click on the Axiom Pro --> Input menu item on the top left

Filter Batch List

The batch list can be sorted by ascending and descending order or filtered by a specific column criteria.

  • To sort a column by ascending or descending value, click on the column heading.
  • To filter by a value, click on the ellipses beneath the column heading of the column you wish to filter by.  Enter a filter value to filter the batch listing.

How did we do?

Input Toolbar
