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Working with Work Items

Assign, View, Watch Work items

Help Guide
Updated by Help Guide

What can you do

Work items can be viewed from the Work Items screen.

You will need View Work Items permission to perform this operation.

View Work Items

To view work items, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to Axiom Pro --> Work Items
  2. The Work Items listing displays work items visible to the user. 

From this screen, you can filter the work items you see in the listing with the menu to the top left of the listing and perform tasks such as unassigning, bulk watch & unwatch and deleting work item with the menu to the top right of the listing.

Filter Work Items

Work item can be filtered to show

  1. My Work Items – Work items assigned to you.
  2. Unassigned Work Items – Work items not assigned to any user.
  3. All Work Items – Combination of assigned and unassigned work items.

To filter the work items list, select an option from the top left dropdown menu. Selecting an option will display the corresponding list of work items.

Unassign Work Item

To unassign a work item, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the checkbox corresponding to the work item.
  2. Click on the Select Action dropdown (located on the top right corner).
  3. Click on the Unassign menu item.
    1. The selected work item is unassigned and moved to the Unassigned Work Items section.

Bulk Unassign Work Items

To bulk unassign the work items, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the checkbox corresponding to the work item.
  2. Click on the Select Action dropdown (located on the top right corner).
  3. Click on the Unassign menu item.
    1. The selected work items will be unassigned and moved to the Unassigned Work Items section.

Watch Work Item

As a user, you can designate specific work items to watch.  Watched work items will be visible in the Work Items Table on the dashboard.  This operates a sort of ‘favorites’ list.

You will need Watch Work Item permission to perform this operation
  1. Click on the watch icon corresponding to the work item.
  2. Click on the unwatch corresponding to the work item.

Bulk Watch/Unwatch

To bulk watch/unwatch the work items, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the checkbox corresponding to the work item.
  2. Click on the Select Action dropdown (located on the top right corner).
  3. Click on the Watch or Unwatch menu item.

Delete Work Item

With the appropriate permissions, you can delete a work item. To delete a work item, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the checkbox corresponding to the work item
  2. Click on the Select Action dropdown
  3. Click on Delete
  4. Confirm the delete by clicking on the Delete button on the Work Item delete modal.

Edit Work Item (Quick Edit)

As a user, from the work item quick edit modal, you can change the existing user assignment, set the status of the work item, select the user assignment for the next queue, and add signature or comments.

Change Name of Work Item

  1. Single click on a work item to select it.
  2. Click on the Edit icon corresponding to the selected work item.
  3. On the work item edit modal, click on the work item title and update the name.
  4. Click on the Save button.
    1. The work item name gets updated.

Change Existing Work Item Assignment

  1. Single click on a work item to select it.
  2. Click on the Edit icon corresponding to the selected work item.
  3. On the work item edit modal, select a new user by selecting a username from the Current User dropdown.
  4. Click on the Save button.
    1. The work item will be assigned to the newly selected user but will remain in the same queue.

Change Status of Work Item Assignment

  1. Single click on a work item to select it.
  2. Click on the Edit icon corresponding to the selected work item.
  3. On the work item edit modal, select a status from the Set Status dropdown.
  4. Optional – select a username from the Assign To dropdown. (The work item will get assigned to the selected user.)
  5. Click on the Save button.
    1. The work item will be moved to the Next queue and will be assigned to a user if a username is selected in the Assign To dropdown, else stays unassigned.

How did we do?

Start a Work Item

Open Work Item
