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Single Sign-On Configuration

Setup and manage SSO configurations

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What can you do

The Single Sign-On page allows users add and manage Single Sign-On (SSO) configurations. A user can filter the table, add new SSO providers, execute bulk actions, and edit configurations.  The SSO table contains SSO Provider, Last Update and Update By columns

You will need Manage User Accounts and Roles permission to perform this operation.

Filter SSO Providers

All columns in the SSO table can be filtered in the heading of the column.  To filter a column, enter a value into the column heading.  The table will filter accordingly.

Add a new SSO Provider

User accounts contain general information, global permissions, catalog permissions, and user settings.  Instructions to add a new user are below.

  1. Click on Axiom Pro menu, select Admin
  2. Go to Accounts + Permissions -> Single Sign-On Configuration
  3. Click on Add New
  4. Choose configuration mode for the Metadata document (radio buttons)
    1. Select File - Allows the user to upload .xml file only
    2. URL Text field - Validates the URL upon exiting the field
  5. Enter SSO Provider Name
  6. Mapping (Required)
    1. Map (checkbox)
    2. SAML Attribute (Dropdown with values from the uploaded .xml file or URL)
    3. User Pool Attributes
      1. Email – automatically selected
      2. Name (optional)
      3. Preferred Username (optional)
      4. Phone Number (optional)
    4. Add SAML Attribute – adds another row for mapping additional attributes
  7. Click FINISH
Any mapped field without a checkbox checked is removed upon clicking Finish.

Edit Single Sign-on configuration

You may edit a sign-on configuration from the Admin menu.  Instructions are listed below.

  1. Click on Axiom Pro menu, select Admin
  2. Go to Accounts + Permissions -> Single Sign-On Configuration
  3. Find the SSO Configuration that you want to edit
  4. Click on Edit (✏️) icon
  5. Update the required elements
  6. Click Finish
For Metadata Document selection, always use the most recent selection. This is the same for adding or editing of the configuration.

Perform Bulk Actions

The Bulk Actions dropdown menu allows users with the Manage User Accounts and Roles permission to delete one or more configurations at once.

When a configuration is deleted any existing user associated to the deleted SSO is set to inactive.

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